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Anchored Cross Cufflinks

Anchored Cross
Crux Mihi Anchora {The cross is my anchor}

Handcrafted using the impression of a 19th century British wax seal, the Anchored Cross or Mariner's Cross is a stylized cross in the shape of an anchor. The Cross implies faith while the Anchor remains firm & steady in stormy seas and represents well-grounded hope.

Size: 5/8'' x 3/4'' {12mm x 18mm}

PLEASE NOTE: Before you order please check sizing information - it can be hard to gauge jewelry sizes from pictures alone. On some of the very small seal pieces the text is so small as to be read only with a magnifying glass making the meaning a secret between you and those you choose to tell.

Availability and shipping
Your purchase will ship in 3-5 business days. Once shipped, please allow a minimum of 3 weeks to receive your order

225CUFFL - Anchored Cross, Cufflinks

Materials: Silver